
The world is currently heading for disastrous and irreversible climate change. To prevent this, the use of fossil fuels must be drastically reduced. It is however very doubtful whether the system of negotiations between nation state governments will achieve this.

CapGlobalCarbon is a response to this situation. It is an initiative from outside government to make sure that, whatever deal is negotiated between nation states, the total of global emissions from fossil fuels is reduced year by year as required by climate science. It provides a much-needed safeguard.

The simplest and only certain way to control emissions from the use of fossil fuels is by controlling the introduction of fossil fuels onto the market, an ‘upstream cap’.  This could be done by means of a licence scheme whereby the introduction of coal, oil or gas onto the market anywhere in the world requires a licence.

CapGlobalCarbon proposes:
  • An independent Global Climate Commons Trust is established to act on behalf of the whole of humanity with a remit to make sure that we avoid irreversible climate change.
  • The Trust, after discussions with nation state governments and the fossil fuel industry, establishes a global Cap&Dividend scheme whereby the introduction of coal, oil or gas onto the market anywhere in the world requires a licence.
  • The number of global licences issued is reduced each year and is set by the Trust on the advice of climate scientists.
  • The licences are auctioned by the Trust and can then be traded.
  • The government of each country enforces the licence system in that country by banning the import into or production within its borders of fossil fuels not licensed by the Trust.
  • The funds generated by the scheme are distributed to individuals and communities throughout the world by means of cash transfer programmes and community support funds.

We have a crisis on our hands. But a crisis is an opportunity. This is an opportunity for Humanity to realise our potential to work together as a global force for the good of all life on Earth.

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