The Trust could be established by a group of institutions and individuals. It could be based in any country. It would be a legal entity competent to develop relations with nation-state governments and the fossil fuel industry. It would be subject to the appropriate regulatory and court system of the country in which it is based. But no permission would be required to set it up.
Under its constitution, the Trust would be charged with acting on behalf of humanity as a whole, including future generations, or perhaps the wider group of all living species or all life on Earth. This obligation would be enforceable by the courts of the country in which it is established.
The idea that an international institution could arise from a citizen’s initiative is not a new one. There is the well-known example of Henri Dunant whose actions, after he had seen 40,000 soldiers left dead or dying on the battle field at Solferino in 1859, led to the formation of the International Committee of the Red Cross . Another international institution that owes its existence to the persistent efforts of citizens is the International Criminal Court.