All posts by admin-cgc

March 20 2015 update

Welcome to the first update on the CapGlobalCarbon project, a global system for addressing climate change.

Since the CGC website went public we’ve been working hard to attract visitors and answer questions. We are collecting these questions which we intend to include in a FAQ on a later stage.

This is what happened during the last two weeks:

1. John Jopling published a 21 page article on the Greenhouse UK platform. “In this new Green House gas, John Jopling of the Irish think-tank Feasta argues that the situation calls for non-governmental actors to set up the necessary system of global regulation that governments seemingly cannot deliver.”

2. Erik-Jan van Oosten wrote “Making sure we’ll be safe – a global solution to avert disastrous climate change” for the Valhalla Movement. This article goes into the arguments why governments would want to endorse CapGlobalCarbon based on what they can and cannot agree upon.

3. The OECD insights blog features an article about CapGlobalCarbon by John Jopling. “This post suggests how the OECD could play a crucial part in helping to establish an effective global response to climate change.”

4. CapGlobalCarbon can now be found on twitter and Facebook. We are providing links and quotes which we hope you will share with your friends and colleagues.

5. We are looking for people who want to join the core group. Every Monday at 11.00 GMT we meet on Skype and invite you to join us. In this stage we mostly need help with media, strategy and contacting key figures. To see who’s involved in the core team see the about us page:  . Email us at if you’d like to be invited into the core group and briefly describe what you think you can add to the team.

6. It is now possible to affiliate or endorse CapGlobalCarbon as an organization. An endorsement means that you allow us to list your organization on our website as a proponent of CapGlobalCarbon. Affiliation means you are becoming a partner that actively promotes CapGlobalCarbon and commits to finding at least one other organization that is willing to affiliate. Please check the “My organisation is interested in affiliating with CapGlobalCarbon” box in our contact form to let us know if your organization is interested in endorsing or affiliating.

7. A detailed explanation of the scheme including the history behind CapGlobalCarbon, specific arguments for governments and business and the differences with other capping schemes is now accessible on our website:

8. The Guardian newspaper featured a letter from John Jopling in reaction to the ambition of the paper to work towards practical solutions to climate change.

Kind Regards,

The CapGlobalCarbon Team: John Jopling, Erik-Jan Van Oosten, Mike Sandler, Caroline Whyte and Teresa Carter

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What is Cap Global Carbon?

Cap Global Carbon is an initiative from outside government to make sure that global emissions from fossil fuels are steadily reduced year by year until we achieve a zero-carbon economy. It provides a safeguard.

It also provides an opportunity: CapGlobalCarbon will contribute significantly to the reduction of global poverty and inequality, help to secure indigenous land rights and protect the global commons.

This is a chance for Humanity to realise our potential to work together as a global force for the good of all life on Earth.

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